Welcome to Blog 2.0



Welcome to my new blog concerning the development of the potential series, The Weird, Mysterious, & Paranormal! I have decided to move my blog that I started back in July of 2005 on Xanga to WordPress, since I have had to pay $48.00 for a year-long membership at Xanga and have not really been using my original blog to create new entries. The development of the series may not be as active as it was in the past as it seems to be currently on a hiatus. Therefore, I have decided to switch my blog to WordPress, where it can be hosted for free, so that I will not be wasting any more of my hard-earned money. I look forward to posting here, even if it will only be once in a blue moon. I am sure that The Weird, Mysterious, & Paranormal will live on in my heart forever, so there is still hope that it could become a real television series sometime in the distant future. I hope that people like the new blog! Hopefully, this blog will bustle with life but, until then, I wish everyone a happy summer!
